8:00 a.m. | Holy Eucharist, Rite II
10:30 a.m. | Holy Eucharist Rite II, livestreamed
We want to celebrate with you all! Don't see your birthday or anniversary?
Contact Jessica Ewell and she will add your special dates to our database.
August 29: Dutch Mietz, Bruce Langhorne, Pete Sale
August 30: Robert Murray, Jay Hammond, Jan Blodgett, John Bailey, Ashley Romero, Eloise Linker
August 31: Carly Schiano
September 1: Wayne Urban, Marc Miller, Amy Otterline, Grace Loher
September 2: Susie Dickman, Jack McMillan, Charles McKillop
September 3: Megan Lehane, David Taylor
September 4: Tim Mollenkopf
September 5: Toni Winiker
September 6: Sue Setzer, Mary Emerich, Suzanne Sadler, Matt Givens
September 7: Jon Davis
September 9: Carole Akers, Nils Tracy
September 10: Andy Herbert
September 11: Charles Emerich, G. Davis Pollitt, Sean Kennedy
September 12: Catherine Loveland Vowell
September 13: Jo Vallone, Alex Kroger, Katherine Amann
September 14: Shawn Hovey, Kelly Boody
September 15: Scott Powell, Rich Boughrum, John Milholland, Norm Spencer
September 16: Ellen Eller
September 17: Linda Vinson
September 18: Newt Carpenter, Jim Merrifield, Debra Garrett, Phillipe Loher
September 19: Greg Knudson
September 20: George Jacobs, Tom Nickles, Jordan Vinson
September 21: Tom Fischer
September 22: John Boody, Maribelle Myers
September 23: David Rizzo
September 25: Arthur Stopinski
September 26: Ed Heller, Ben Mollenkopf
September 27: Sally Maxwell Davis
September 28: Emerson Godfrey
September 29: Tara Creighton, Michelle Hovey
September 30: Catherine Kerrison, Janeen LeComte
O God, our times are in your hand: Look with favor, we pray, on your servants as they begin another year. Grant that they may grow in wisdom and grace, and strengthen their trust in your goodness all the days of their lives; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. -BCP p. 830
August 29: Skip Notte & Shelley Suter, Nils & Nina Tracy
September 4: George & Gordon Jacobs
September 5: Marcus & Kathy Miller
September 8: Phil & Nancy Craig, Edward & Krista Patterson
September 9: Ron & Sandy Zerkle
September 10: Connor & Robyn Fulton
September 11: Dave & Sandy Laken
September 14: Jeb Hallett & Linda Austin
September 21: John & Carol Smentek
September 26: Kirk & Sara Swanson
September 30: Andy & Brenda Seligmann
O God, you have so consecrated the covenant of marriage that in it is represented the spiritual unity between Christ and his Church: Send therefore your blessing upon these your servants, that they may so love, honor, and cherish each other in faithfulness and patience, in wisdom and true godliness, that their home may be a haven of blessing and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. -BCP p. 431