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I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you,

you also should love one another.

- John 13:34


​Welcome! StAART is the anti-racism ministry of St. Alban’s Episcopal Church located in Davidson, NC. Everyone who attends our parish is invited to join this ministry. Please keep scrolling to learn more about us and the work we are engaging in to dismantle racism.



StAART is a group of parishioners of St. Alban’s Episcopal Church seeking to foster God’s Beloved Community through dismantling racism in our ourselves, church, and community.



StAART formed in 2020 following a discussion of the book, Living into God’s Dream: Dismantling Racism in America, edited by Dr. Catherine Meeks. Since the group began, we have read several more books together, shared poems, articles, videos, & films with each other. We have spent a lot of time looking inward and wrestling with internal racism and white supremacy.


In 2021, the vestry voted to make StAART a formal ministry of the parish. We intend to continue our internal reflection, while at the same time, turning our attention to racial reckoning, justice, and healing by building the Beloved Community in our church and wider community.


We acknowledge that the current congregation of St. Alban’s is predominately white, but we very much want to become a church that reflects the beautiful diversity of God’s people. We will, at times, make mistakes and fall short of our ideas, but we are committed to staying on the journey, and we invite you to join us.


Meetings are typically held on the fourth Sunday of the month following the 10:30 a.m. service. Please check the church newsletter for updates.



Our library is housed in the bookcase in the narthex (lobby). There is a breadth and depth of the theme of antiracism by a variety of authors. This is intended to provide resources for our parish members of all ages. We have a little something for everyone, with books for adults, teens, and children.


Checking out a book is easy. You can scan the QR code or go to Find the book you wish to read. If it is available, click on CHECK OUT. Password is SABooks. We have preloaded your name and email. Scroll to find your name and click on CHECK OUT. If your name is not found, or if you are uncomfortable using the web, you can use a card available by the books. Your book(s) are due in 3 weeks but can be extended if no one else is waiting for them.


When you return a book, place it in the basket labeled with the Book Return sign. That way we can check it in before putting it back on the shelves to make it available for someone else.


Please donate books! We are amazed at the variety and richness of the books we have received thus far, and are eager to see what else you may bring in. Please put donated books in the Donated Books basket provided and we will add them to our catalog. And many thanks!


We hope you enjoy using our library!



Living into God’s Dream: Dismantling Racism in America  

Catherine Meeks


White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism  

Robin DiAngelo 


How the Word Is Passed: A Reckoning with the History of Slavery Across America

Clint Smith  


The Color of Compromise: The Truth about the American Church’s Complicity in Racism  

Jemar Tisby  


How to Fight Racism: Courageous Christianity & the Journey Toward Racial Justice  

Jemar Tisby  


Tears We Cannot Stop: A Sermon to White America  

Michael Eric Dyson  



Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to either Carmen or Cynthia.

​​~ Rev. Carmen Germino, Rector

~ Cynthia Clemons, StAART Coordinator

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