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Honor the Lord with your possessions and with the first produce of your entire harvest.

- Proverbs 3:9

Abundant Life Annual Giving logo

St. Alban's 2024 Annual Giving Campaign, ABUNDANT LIFE,  has officially kicked off! 


If you would like to submit your pledge online, you can do so by filling out the online pledge form below. Otherwise, you can submit your pledge card by dropping it by the church or mailing it to 301 Caldwell Lane Davidson, NC 28036.

Thanks for submitting!

Abundant Life Pledge Card logo
Online Pledge Form


Greetings from the St. Alban’s Giving Campaign Team!


St. Alban’s is celebrating Abundant Life as our theme for this giving campaign!


It was such a rewarding experience leading the campaign last year!  We are back as your co-chairs, with a great team and vice-chairs that will lead next year!  As our theme says – we are indeed blessed with an abundant life – yet we need more community, compassion, justice, and love – and that’s exactly what we treasure as individuals, and as a church community we set out to provide for others each day.


We are a community on a mission – called to thrive and to help our neighbors!  Over the next few weeks, we’ll explore what this “abundant life” looks like and celebrate some of the ways St. Alban’s participates in God’s grace-filled love for the world. 


Let’s start with community.  The Jacobs have been blessed to be a part of this caring church family for over twenty years.  Some friends may come and go, but St. Alban’s is always steadfast in gathering, connecting, and collaborating, so we can meet, worship, and serve.  Personally, we have made abundant friendships and connections through the supper clubs, the Seeds garden, coffee hour, special events, and just sitting in the pew near others seeking the same!  Our lives are enriched through the abundance of diversity of knowledge, outreach, and skills of our fellow parishioners. 


The heart of St. Alban’s is its community of worship.  Every time we gather, pray, support, sing, and celebrate, we build this community with abundant joy and beauty!  The power of community here at church extends to all facets of our lives.  By teaching, sharing, and doing, we live lives of abundance. 


Please put your pledge card somewhere you see every day, and with prayer fill it out. You can return it to the church or fill out the online form above.  There will be a line asking, “How has God abundantly blessed you today?”.  The responses will be displayed (anonymously) as stained-glass windows around the church.  There will also be opportunities to fill out more slips as you attend worship, and they will be added as we receive them. 


We thank you in advance for being a part of this campaign and the joyful work of St. Alban’s!  Join us in helping us achieve goals and experience the fruits of this abundant life for ourselves and others!


Gordon and George Jacobs







What is a pledge?

A pledge is a heartfelt, documented financial commitment to the ministry and well-being of St. Alban’s.


What’s wrong with just putting money in the collection plate?

St. Alban’s is grateful for all financial contributions, but pledges provide the Vestry with the expected income information that is essential to preparing our annual budget. St. Alban’s simply cannot operate and thrive without a reasonable estimate of its financial resources. And your pledge reinforces the importance of God and St. Alban’s in your life.


How much should I pledge?

The amount, of course, is a personal decision, but it should be grounded in your faith and commitment to the church’s ongoing work of building God’s kingdom. Scripture lifts up the tithe (ten percent of one’s income) as the aspirational giving level. We urge everyone to aspire to that goal, while we understand that reaching such a goal is a process. Regardless of the size, we hope you will make St. Alban’s your primary philanthropic priority. Your pledge should not be an afterthought or a casual decision.


Is my pledge confidential?

Yes. We will publicly thank (by name) all who pledge to St. Alban’s, but only a handful of necessary people know the actual amounts of individual commitments.


When should I pledge?

We have condensed the pledging season this year. We begin in late October and will conclude with Ingathering Sunday on November 19, when we will ask God’s blessing upon all the pledges we have received for 2024. Of course, new pledges are also welcomed and appreciated after November 19 and throughout the year.


What if my situation changes and I cannot fulfill my pledge?

We understand that life’s circumstances do change, often unexpectedly. In this case, please alert the finance director, so that our records can be amended and the clergy can respond with pastoral care as needed.


How can I pay my pledge?

There are several convenient ways to honor your pledge:

-Make regular payments by check.

-Use your bank’s online bill paying system and set up regular monthly or other periodic payments directly to the church.

-Use appreciated stocks, donor adviser funds or IRA payouts to pay your pledge. (If you are over 70 1⁄2 years of age, your IRA payouts should be fully tax-deductible). In either case, please alert the finance director to ensure that your pledge payment is properly credited.


What else should I consider as I determine my pledge?

Prayer. We are members of St. Alban’s because of our love and commitment to Christ, so don’t forget to ask for God’s help to guide you. Your life's blessings. Your pledge is a response of gratitude and joy for all you have been given. St. Alban's impact on your life. Is it the liturgy, our service to others in the community and the world, our life-long Christian education, the music, or the fellowship and fun? All of these things are made possible by our pledges. St. Alban's is not just another charity. We all give to worthy causes, but the church is more than a non-profit. We are a family. We are God’s family. Your pledge is an affirmation of your faith and commitment to ensure the vitality of our parish, as we have done since 1956.


Who do I contact with questions?

You may call or email our Financial Director, Erin Garrett, at or (704) 892-0173.



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