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As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.

- Colossians 2:6-7


Sunday morning spiritual education programming for adults is typically held from 9:10 a.m. – 10:10 a.m. Topics and locations are subject to change, so check the weekly email newsletter for the most up-to-date information.


February 16: A Case for Love, part 2

We will watch the second part of the film this week, and finish with discussion if time allows. (Parish Hall)


February 23: Faith: The Way of the Heart


Kevin will be offering a presentation and inviting conversation about some of ways that we understand and think about faith. He will be relying heavily on the writings of Marcus Borg in his thought-provoking book The Heart of Christianity. (Parish Hall)

March 2: Journeys Poetry Discussion Group

Journeys is a group for adults who enjoy poetry, theological discussion, and diving into the deep topics of life and faith. All are welcome to join the conversation, which begins with reading a poem several times in a meditative way, then looking at its spiritual themes, before often meandering in a variety of different directions. (Reflection Room)


March 9: All the Faithful Ladies


The Rev. Carmen Germino will introduce some of the lesser-known but extraordinary women disciples and apostles whose stories can be found throughout the New Testament…if you know where to look! *MEN are especially encouraged to come and learn their stories! (Parish Hall)


March 16: The Mary We Forgot


Our Lenten Book this year is “The Mary We Forgot: What the Apostle to the Apostles Teaches the Church Today” by Jennifer Powell McNutt. The author unpacks scripture and history to reveal the real Mary Magdalene, a model of faith for all, regardless of your gender. We will discuss the major themes and surprises within the book – come whether you’ve read it or not! We will discuss the major themes and surprises within the book – come whether you’ve read it or not! Find the book HERE or visit your preferred bookseller. (Parish Hall)


March 23: Apostle-ing Around the World Today


We welcome Josephine Hicks, Chief Church Relations Officer for Episcopal Relief & Development as our speaker. She will share about ERD’s global work on behalf of women and children, as well as their climate resilience programs and disaster relief work in Western North Carolina and elsewhere. (Parish Hall)


March 30: Apostle-ing in Verse


Journeys, our monthly poetry discussion group, will meet this morning to consider some of Marie Howe’s innovative poetic works centered around the figure of Mary Magdalene. Howe imagines Magdalene as a contemporary and offers us fresh views into the mind of one of the Bible’s most enigmatic apostles. (Reflection Room)


April 6: “The Anointer and the Anointed”


Join us for a special workshop with guest speaker Beth Maczka, a graduate of Davidson College and Vanderbilt Divinity School, who has focused her academic studies on uncovering and unraveling the key women figures in the Gospels. She will speak share her research on Mark 14:3-9 and include an anointing ritual. (Parish Hall)


April 13: All-Ages Palm Cross Workshop


Bring the whole family to this intergenerational event in which we will make palm crosses and enjoy refreshments and fellowship while preparing for Palm Sunday and Holy Week. (Parish Hall)



On Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m. the clergy lead a weekly in-person Bible Study in the Reflection Room. Together we read and reflect on the lectionary scripture lessons for the upcoming Sunday. This is a wonderful way to deepen your faith and understanding of the Bible. No RSVPs or advanced reading is needed--just drop in when you can.


The Order of the Daughters of the King is an international community of Episcopal, Anglican, Lutheran (ELCA), and Roman Catholic women who take vows to pray and serve our Lord Jesus Christ every day. Becoming a member professes the intentionality to pray and serve. We model the importance of prayer and service in our parishes and in the larger church.




301 Caldwell Lane

Davidson, NC 28036





8:00 a.m. | Holy Eucharist, Rite II

10:30 a.m. | Holy Eucharist, Rite II (livestreamed)



9:00 a.m. Mondays & Wednesdays | Morning Prayer, Rite II (online)

9:15 a.m. Tuesdays & Thursdays | Morning Prayer, Rite II (in person)

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