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As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.

- Colossians 2:6-7


Sunday morning spiritual education programming for adults is typically held from 9:10 a.m. – 10:10 a.m. Topics and locations are subject to change, so check the weekly email newsletter for the most up-to-date information.


September 1, October 6, November 3, December 1: Journeys (Reflection Room)

Journeys typically meets on the first Sunday of the month. Journeys is for adults who enjoy poetry, theological discussion, and diving into the deep topics of life and faith. All are welcome to join the conversation, which begins with reading a selected poem several times in a meditative way, then looking at its spiritual themes, before often meandering in a variety of different directions. The poems range from ancient to contemporary, and it is remarkable how poetry can spark such rich and reflective discussions.


September 8, 15, 22, 29: Episcopal 101 (Reflection Room)

This four-week series is for anyone who is new to the Episcopal Church or anyone who wants a refresher. The class is required for anyone who wishes to officially join the Episcopal Church from another denomination. The class will cover our denominational history, structure, and worship, as well as how the Episcopal Church approaches scripture interpretation, theological/social issues, and living out our faith in the Anglican tradition. YOU CAN REGISTER HERE.


September 8: History & Polity

September 15: Scripture

September 22: Worship

September 29: Ministry & Discipleship


October 6: Journeys (Reflection Room, see above)


October 13: Sacred Stories in Costa Rica (Parish Hall)

Deacon Valerie will reflect on her recent pilgrimage to Costa Rica and share updates about our companion Diocese.


October 20: Sabbatical Storytelling (Parish Hall)

Rev. Carmen will share highlights and insights from her recent sabbatical leave.


October 27: All Things St. Alban’s! (Parish Hall)

Come and learn about the many ministries of St. Alban’s! During the Adult Spiritual Formation hour, the clergy will lead a conversation about the importance of sharing our time and talents and will offer wisdom on discerning which ministries God might have in mind for you. Representatives from ministries will be on hand after the 10:30 service to share info and answer questions during our mega-Ministry Fair with activities for all ages.


November 3: Journeys (Reflection Room, see above)


November 10: Forum with Bishop Rodman (Parish Hall)

We welcome The Rt. Rev. Samuel Rodman, Bishop of the Diocese of North Carolina, who will share his reflections on ministry within and beyond our diocese.


November 17: Giving Thanks for Our Former Presiding Bishop Michael Curry (Parish Hall)

We will look back on the past nine years of Bishop Curry’s inspiring ministry of leadership in the Episcopal Church and we will view snippets from some of his most iconic sermons.


November 24: Getting to Know Our New Presiding Bishop Sean Rowe (Parish Hall)

We will learn all about our newly installed Presiding Bishop and view parts of his recent consecration service in New York and the sermon he preached at General Convention after his election this past summer, laying out his vision for the future of our denomination.


December 1: Journeys (Reflection Room, see above)


December 8, 15, 22: A CRÈCHE COURSE IN ADVENT (Parish Hall)


December 8: The History of the Crèche

When, where, and why did nativity scenes originate? When did they become a common feature in Christian homes during Advent and Christmas? How has the tradition of the crèche evolved over time and around the globe? Come and learn the fascinating history of this beloved holiday tradition.


December 15: Show and Tell

Do you have a beloved family crèche that has been passed down to you, or have you picked up a unique nativity during your travels? All are invited to bring a favorite crèche from home to display in the Parish Hall for the morning. Everyone will have the opportunity to tell the history behind their nativity scene or share why it is meaningful for them, and all the crèches will be blessed before they return home with their owners after Coffee Hour.


December 22: Building a Musical Crèche

Matt Presson will lead us through the construction of a musical crèche, sharing songs especially selected to represent particular people and parts from the Christmas story. Bring your imagination and maybe a friend, too!


* There will be no Sunday morning Adult Formation programming held on December 29.

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