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Writer's pictureCourtney Fossett

God Taps

It’s almost October and the leaves are starting to change as I noticed driving around today. This is a very busy time of year with school well under way, sports, and extracurricular activities in full swing, and often it’s hard to have a minute to reflect. As I get older, I become increasingly aware of the fact that life is short. Which, as I was searching for my inspiration for this article, made me wonder if there was a biblical reference for it. Happily, I found many and my favorite of which being 1 Peter 1:24, All flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of the grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls. This passage gives me the thought of all of us being the grass of a beautiful rolling field and aspiring to the glory of a flower. The passing of a very close, favorite aunt, that we will celebrate this weekend, has brought about many moments of just wanting to be present and enjoy those around me. My first moment of God tapping me on the shoulder, so to speak, was standing hand in hand with my family praying over my aunt. It just makes you stop and think, being drawn to experience life more. These moments are sometimes fleeting, and you are faced with the fact that life is indeed too short.

A couple weekends ago, I had a day just with myself and my son, who just began his freshman year in college. The day was absolutely beautiful and once again, just talking and laughing with him, I felt a God tap again reminding me to take it all in. There it is again, life is short. In Psalm 90:12, So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom. Yes, it does broaden our hearts and minds to see the majesty of our lives through God’s eyes bringing us the overwhelming feeling of great appreciation and thankfulness.

The job I currently hold I am blessed to say gives me many God taps. One being just last Sunday with our wonderful Youth serving ice cream to the many young children of St. Alban’s bringing generations together. God’s taps happen all around us reminding us of the shortness of life and making the most of all our moments. What better way to savor these moments than to come this Sunday for our Outreach Expo to learn more about our outreach opportunities and how you can get involved in making more difference. For in James 4:14, yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.

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